A Word from Debbie Hi all! My name is Debbie. I have been lucky enough to have worked at Jumbunna for many..many years. Just to give you a hint about how long I have been at Jumbunna I can let you know some past students have left high school and have moved into University or a range of occupations!! During this time I have not only had the privilege of working with amazing children and their families but a range of knowledgeable, dedicated staff. Over the time some people have made the comment, “You have the best job, you get to play all day”. Well I suppose I do but there are many reasons why! At Jumbunna we support learning and development through play. Play goes through many stages and has many multiple benefits including – Providing opportunities to interact with others and to develop social skills Building problem solving skills and increases self esteem Promoting creativity, imagination and independence Providing opportunities for all children regardless of ability or background to mix together Please take a few minutes to read one of my favourite poems about play. Thanks for reading and keep playing!! Debbie