A word from Noeline Hi I am Noeline Olive, the new Secretary for the Jumbunna committee, I have 33 years, experience in working in the social welfare field and have worked for both mainstream and Aboriginal organisations. I have a Diploma in Business Front Line Management and Certificate IV in Front Line Management I have competed training in a large range of fields some of these include Bookkeeping, Administration, Governance, Disability Service Standards, Community Care Standards, Home Care Standards, Tender Writing, Staff Supervision, Cultural Awareness, Cross Cultural Competency, Writing Policies and Procedures, Planning and Reporting, Strategic Planning and Development, Complaints Management, Work, Health and Safety, Managing Volunteers and developing Clients Case Plans. I bring vast experience in a large range of areas including but not limited to the following:- Operational management, administration, finances, funding, computer, communication, human resources and Work Health & safety. regards Noeline