a word from Taok… My Beautiful girl is now in her 2’s And boy does she test my patience as all kids would do to their parents (and we wouldn’t change it for the world). I’m lucky enough to have a great support network and to work in a preschool, Im able to take home strategies to help manage with the ‘terrible 2’s’, and more. The girls here really know what there doing/ talking about, I can go to any or multiple staff members to get advice which I cherish Juggling life and work can be challenging and man do I have my days. I may only work 2 days a week atm but to have Kyra and my-self ready in time can be a challenge, I am grateful to my understanding boss and co-workers! And again, like my last blog HANDS DOWN TO MUMS, DADS & CARER’s out there. In-between the ‘terrible 2’s’, work & life its so important to capture the memories you create for yourself and your family. A SIMPLE PHOTO CAN HAVE A GREAT STORY BEHIND IT, 1 PHOTO CAN SPEAK SO MANY WORDS. When you look back at your photos/ memories things will pop up that you thought you forgot and a story can begin.