National Disability Insurance Scheme

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

 Jumbunna has been assessed against the NDIS Practice Standards as being fully compliant, by HDAA. Jumbunna received Certification by the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission.

Jumbunna is registered for the following registration groups:

0136 Group/Centre activities

0128 Therapeutic supports

0124 Comms & Info equipment

0118 Early Childhood supports

0103 Assist Prod-Pers Care/safety

We provide supports for children and young people form birth onwards. We provide support in the community (schools, early childhood setting, home ) and centre based.

Our Staff

We have a growing team of professionals including Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Specialised Early Childhood Educators and Therapy Assistants.

Shenika McQueen is our NDIS Coordinator and can support you through the process.

Jumbunna NDIS FEES

Therapeutic Supports: $193.99per hour

Therapy Assistant Level 2: $86.50 per hour

Programs as per Pricing Guidelines

The educational programs and experiences offered to all children are tailored to meet individual needs and interests at the appropriate developmental level.

Travel as per the Price Guide

We provide supports from birth onwards.

National Disability Insurance Scheme

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the new way of providing individualised support for eligible people with permanent and significant disability, their families and carers. Disability could affect anyone – having the right support makes the difference.
The National Disability Insurance Agency understands that everyone’s needs, preferences and
aspirations are different. That’s why they provide eligible people flexible ,whole of life approach to the support needed to pursue their goals and aspirations and participate in daily life. One of the core aims of the NDIS is to better support families and carers, in your caring role.
The NDIS has been initiated in a number of trial areas across the country and will be rolled out in full by 2018. To find out more about the scheme and to see if your child will be eligible parents can use the My Access Checker on the NDIS website.
Each participant will have an individualised plan that is tailored to their goals, personal circumstances and disability support needs. This is developed with a NDIS Planner.
If you would like further information about the NDIS please do not hesitate to ask us.
Information about the Scheme
If your query is about access to NDIS support, you may wish to complete the My Access Checker before contacting us. This questionnaire will indicate whether you may be able to get help from the NDIS and outline the next steps.
If you have an enquiry not covered by the My Access Checker you can:
Phone NDIA on 1800 800 110
Mail an enquiry to National Disability Insurance Agency GPO Box 700 Canberra ACT 2601
Help available to contact NDIA
If you require a translator or help, please contact them by:
Phone – 1800 800 110
If you are a TTY user – phone 1800 555 677 then ask for 1800 800 110
If you are a Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay) user – phone 1800 555 727 then ask for 1800 800 110
If you are an internet relay user – visit the National Relay Service website and ask for 1800 800 110