friendly reminders…. June 2018 Parents are reminded that Jumbunna (at Casino) will not be open on Tuesday 26th June 2018. This is a planning day – the Preschool will be closed and you will not be charged for this day. Each family/child that attends our preschool at Casino has a pigeon hole that staff use to give our information about the preschool and your child. Please check it every time you sign in, it makes two way communication easier and you will know what s going on well before needed. Our hand garden has been created and is growing well, as we speak … don’t forget to join in with this family activity when next you visit. We are recognising and celebrating our Indigenous families and have been working on this since Reconciliation Week and will continue to nurture our garden until NAIDOC week. STEPS screening for children heading off to Big School will be 25th and 27th of June – please get your consent envelopes back to us as soon as possible, so that the screen can go ahead. you do not need to be present, the nurse will provide you with a summary. Last day of Term 2 is 6 July 2018. Start date for Term 3 will be announced soon.