
Are you using sunscreen correctly?

sun safe Sunscreen protects against the damaging effects of the sun by reducing or filtering the amount of ultraviolet (UV) rays that reach the skin. Regular use of sunscreen has been shown to reduce the incidence of melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma, both in the short and long term.

Top tips for effectively using sunscreen:
• Use at least SPF 30+ broad spectrum water resistant sunscreen.
• Patch test sunscreen on a small area of skin – especially if you have not used the product before.
• Apply and re-apply. Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going outside and re-apply every 2 hours.
• Apply generously. Dosage will vary depending on the size of the child.

However on an average sized child it is recommended to apply ½ a teaspoon of sunscreen to each arm, leg, front of body, back of body and the face (including ears and neck). An average sized adult needs to apply at least 1 teaspoon for each arm and leg, front and back of the body, face, neck and ears that is exposed to the sun.
• Store sunscreen in a cool, dry place and check the use by date.
• Remember sunscreen filters out most but not all UV radiation.  Use sunscreen in combination with other sun protection methods, including broad brim, bucket or legionnaire style hat, sun safe clothing and staying in the shade.  Sunglasses are recommended to protect children’s eyes.
• Role model best practice sun protection and use our sunscreen station at Jumbunna before dropping off your children.